Friday, September 25, 2009

Short and Sweet

Hey Everyone,

Well I'm currently very tired and I should be in bed because I had to get up at 5 in the morning tomorrow but I wanted to update everyone. The reason I have to get up so early is because my friends and I are going on a week long tour up north. We will be traveling the coast of Western Australia and will be stopping at many locations. I will update all of you when I get back of course though :)

Today Molly, Sara and I went to King's Park because they were having their annual Flower Festival. It was a lot smaller than I thought it was going to be and it wasn't really a festival. It sort of was because they sold things but mostly  you just walked around and looked at all of the pretty flowers they grew. They had flowers from all over the outback and some of them where completely new to me. I'm not a flower person but I will say that these flowers were very beautiful. They did sell some some things at a small tented location near the end but it wasn't like a normal festival. It was still fun though. 

Well I think I'm going to try and get some rest before I have to get up. In about 4 hours. Oh well, hopefully I will be able to sleep on the bus! 

Love you all and I will talk to you again in about a week! <3

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