Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Review: The Near Witch

Title: The Near Witch
Author: Victoria Schwab
Rating: 2.5 of 5 stars

Goodreads Description:
A darkly romantic young adult novel about a sixteen-year-old girl who lives on enchanted moors. A strange boy arrives in her small village, and right away, children start disappearing.

My Review:
I liked the story. It was a very cute story. But I couldn't do more than like it. It didn't blow me away.

It is a very original story about a young girl living in a village called Near. She meets a boy, a stranger, who isn't exactly all human. When children start going missing he is blamed, but Lexi knows it's not him.

I do have to say Lexi is a great choice of a name because that's my nickname :) So I liked that part of the story.

The characters had dimensions to them and they were even all likable, but maybe we just didn't get to see them enough. Because I feel like I barely knew them.

The story was executed great but there weren't any huge surprises, which can make for an uninteresting story sometimes.

If there becomes a sequel, I'm not sure if I would read it or not. Other people may love this book but something about it just didn't click for me very well.

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